We finally got some snow in Virginia! It’s about time. I love snow! We also got some visitors: my friend Sarah and Drew’s friend Joy both came to visit in the same weekend. So what do you do with people when they come to stay at your unheated, unfurnished house way out in the woods, with no TV and no cell phone service? You take them hiking!
Sarah and I have hiked many miles together and Sarah and Joy are both veteran marathon runners so I suggested a long, hard snowy hike on the AT. About halfway up the mountain, Joy confessed she’d never before set foot on the Appalachian Trail and in fact, she’d never really been hiking at all! Color me shocked. Hiking is such a way of life for me, I forget not everybody lives for the trail. She had a great time and her marathoner legs had no trouble finishing the steep 7-mile trek. In fact, she declared the hike such a good workout that she plans to start incorporating trail running into her training routine. Here’s hoping these were the first of many trail miles for Joy!